Sunday, November 28, 2010

Research Entry #1

When I first began brainstorming for topics to write my picture book on, my first idea was to write a book about sexism. I got pretty excited about the idea, and so I went to look up sexism to see if it could help me with my story. I skimmed through several articles until one caught my eye. 'Outraged Moms and Trashy Daughters' was the title. It looked interesting and opinionated, so I began to read it. 
The article illustrated the life of a woman named Leanne who was brought up in the ultra feminist 70's. Also in the article was her daughter, Olivia, who was less the excited about feminism. She thought  it was disgusting how women never wore makeup or perfume, and stated that they would 'never marry'. When I read this I was extremely surprised that anyone could be so closed minded, but the article helped me to understand Olivia's views. It explained that in America today, our culture is so hyper sexualized that many girls have given up and feel that feminism is dead.
For example, one of the most famous and popular celebrities in Hollywood today is Kim Kardashian, who became famous by putting out a sex tape. Now, she's a fashion icon in Hollywood, and many girls around the world are trying to look like her. In fact, since her sex tape scandal, many girls have tried to put out their own tapes in hopes of getting famous. There was even an interview where a girl said that it is now 'the only way to get into the business'. 
Also, another issue mentioned in the article was the way women are beginning to use plastic surgery and botox more then ever. The way women are altering their faces and bodies is making young girls these days think that its okay to do that. 
The article on the lack of feminism in our world today surprised me and made me sad, but it also inspired me to change the topic of my short story. Instead of doing a broad subject like sexism, I decided to narrow it down to todays hyper sexualized culture. 

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