Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Rhyme Poem

I wondered if you could tell
by the way I grasped her
holding her out as if
I didn't care if she fell

I wondered if you knew
by the way I dug my nails
deeper still as if
I could end everything for you

I wondered if you saw
the warning


  1. ruby,
    i really like your way of rhyming the first and last line of every stanza-- it made the darker mood stand out more.
    but i really miss the "tiffany lin has a chin" poem!

  2. I really like this poem, it's so dark and creepy. But you seem to be sympathetic too. Like you are "wondering" if the person could have done something too...

  3. oh my god.
    oh my god.
    this is so strong
    and mysterious
    I'm speechless
