Monday, May 16, 2011

Answered Question- What are some questions and concerns you have about growing up and adulthood?

      I'm going to try to be as honest as I can in this entry, so I have to say that I'm pretty scared of growing up. Maybe not being grown up exactly, I suppose by the time I'm grown up I'll be used to it, but rather leaving my old self behind. Sometimes, even now, I feel as though I'm losing myself. In many ways this is a good thing, but in some it isn't. When I was young there was a lot that I didn't understand, but at the same time I understood the world and myself more back then. As a child I was an observer, I used to be able to watch things for hours on end without ever getting bored. Even the smallest things could make me happy, like grass sprouting through the cracks of my sidewalk or a leaf blowing through the wind. Now, I barely even notice those things, the little things in life that make the world beautiful.  My mind now is so filled with thoughts that are not my own, society's views of how we are supposed to live and superficial ideas I used to look upon with disdain. I wish I could get back to the way I used to think, back when the way a rain drop looked when it dripped onto the sidewalk was the most important and beautiful thing in the world. I miss seeing the world in that way, the way where everything and everyone seemed wonderful. Thats another thing I'm concerned with, I'm forgetting how I used to treat people too. When I was younger, my grandma taught me that everyone deserves to be loved. She never said these words to me, but she taught me them through her actions. My grandmother loved everyone, or at least tried her best to see the good in them. I used to try to do the same, try to see the best in people. Now, its like I've forgotten how to, I see the bad more then the good. I judge people more then I used to. I hate that I've stopped trying to see the good in people. This is what I'm the most concerned about right now, forgetting myself.

1 comment:

  1. Your grandmother is a wise person. And it is important to constantly remind ourselves of the importance of appreciating and seeing the best in all people. Adults need to be reminded of this as well.
